Religious Education
General Overview
Religious Education that occurs in the classroom is just one aspect of Religious Formation at John XXIII College. Students will be given opportunities to develop their faith and spirituality through participation in reflection, prayer and liturgy, which is not exclusive to the Religious Education Learning Area. The Religious Education learning area focuses on the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel as it is handed on by the Catholic Church to those who follow Christ in today's world. The content and processes of the learning area are intended to ensure that students, through a process of cultural, systematic and critical reflection, learn the teachings of the Gospels and understand what it means to be a Christian and how Christians live their lives.​
The Religious Education Program is based upon student needs and the mandated curriculum issued by the Archbishop of Perth. The mandated curriculum from Years 7 to 10 is contained in the 'Come Follow Me' electronic textbooks produced by the Catholic Education Office Course. The program is tailored to challenge students to a variety of intellectual, moral and social issues.
The Archdiocesan Guidelines requires formal common assessments each term. The inductive approach to learning is adopted involving group work, discussion, role play and academic research. This aims at developing skills in thinking, speaking and writing. The results of these form the basis of the semester report in Religious Education. They are an indication of a student's knowledge and understanding of the Religious Education units studied during the semester. They are not to be interpreted as an attempt to measure a student's faith.
Course Outlines:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12