
Sustainable School Shop

Sustainable School Shop

John XXIII College is conscious of the need to provide an improved facility for families to be able to buy and sell their secondhand uniforms, textbooks and other student resources.

We have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators, musical instruments, sports gear and much more!

Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.

See all the second-hand uniform items for sale here:

馃憠馃徏 See all the second-hand textbooks for sale here:

So jump onto the site, register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • reusing items rather than adding to landfill
  • making money on items you sell
  • saving money on items you buy
  • providing another family in our school with cheaper items
  • helping to create a culture of contact amongst our school community families!

Login or Register here:

Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop's telephone (0438 743 444) and email help lines. The system is simple and easy to use - If you don't have a computer, internet access or an email address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for assistanceYou can pre-arrange the transaction and then trade after the texts are not required.

All enquiries should be directed to the Sustainable School Shop on: 1300 683 337 or help is also available through 'Contact Us' on their website at聽

An up-to-date Second-hand Uniform Stocktake Report for the College, operating only real time, displays all the second-hand uniform items that are currently for sale on the Sustainable School Shop website. Click the following link to access this report -
